Thermo Softcover, 1,5 mm

100 pcs. | #1330118

Create professional reporting with these high-quality softcovers.

  • The Thermo Softcover is the ideal solution for presenting documents.
  • The transparent cover makes it possible to personalise the document, so it can be given its own iden
  • By applying heat, the documents are firmly and quickly bound
  • The Thermo Softcovers make binding your personal documents easier than ever. 

Country of Origin

1,5 mm
298 mm
212 mm

Product description

Create the most elegeant professional documents with the Jalema Thermo Softcovers. The Thermo Softcover is the ideal solution for presenting documents. The transparent cover makes it possible to personalise the document, so it can be given its own identity. By applying heat, the documents are firmly and quickly bound and the Thermo Softcovers make binding your personal documents easier than ever. 

  •  A bound document in one minute!
  • Can be easily personalised thanks to the transparent front cover.
  • Perfect binding by heating.
  • Protective front and back cover.
  • High-quality cover, made in the Netherlands.


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